# of watchers: 15
Fans: 0
| D20: 10 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2008-11-18 [FamousPanda]: oh i understand that you guys like it lol i was just saying that i do
2008-11-18 [moira hawthorne]: goood goood glad we understand each other... I didnt want you to feel discouraged... if anything wanted you to feel inspired to make a better one!
2008-11-18 [FamousPanda]: you dont think that i traced it do you?
2008-11-18 [moira hawthorne]: honesty... I didnt know.... I dont know you very well
but the fact remains you did copy it
and in my original rules it says no copying
3. You must adhere to the uploading art rules, well with the exception of the whole graphic violence thing... the bloodier the better... BUT NO COPYING! NO STEALING! NO TRACING! OR CRAP LIKE THAT!
just draw your own zombie of that character!
and thats the reason the ET's and most artistic rules on referencing are the way they are... see Copying vs fanart & referencing
If you have a drawing/painti
- photo: you referenced.
- drawing/painti
If you have a drawing/painti
- photo: you copied.
- drawing/painti
If you have a drawing/painti
- make a drawing/painti
- make a drawing/painti
- make a drawing/painti
2008-11-21 [jaraden]: in the end i think if you were to re-draw the three in slightly different poses, shuffle it up abit and make it more original i think the drawing will be just as good if not better! think of that one as practice, now show us Snap, Crackle and Pop really zombified..
har har
other then taht i still think the image is well rendered, you just need to vary it abit from the original.
2008-11-21 [moira hawthorne]: ok everyone... now that this has been discuss... i want to see all new original poses!!! and the reference you used... dont copy the poses of the reference... lets see some original fan art of really zombieeized toons!
2008-11-21 [moira hawthorne]: we got time for everyone to make an awesome image Jarden and I have no plans of a closing date1 we both want to see originality and creativity and awesome images! so everyone push themselves farther... and this will be an awesome contest! lets see your best...!!! blood and gore and zombiees!
2008-11-21 [FamousPanda]: im gonna draw another one.. when i get time. is it okay if i leave that one up until i get it done?
2008-11-21 [moira hawthorne]: sure leave this one up... till you replace it...
2008-11-21 [Linn Scarlett]: hm why does this remind me of the marvel-zombies joke? :p
2008-11-21 [Acceber]: So we all have to make new art? That seems like a lot of hassle for a competition.
2008-11-21 [moira hawthorne]: Linn... I dont know... what was the marvel-zombies joke?
and [Acceber] yes everyone... if its too much hassle Im afraid its still the rules... [jaraden] and I talked it over and this is the way it is gonna be,... we want originality in the fan art... so you have to show that you just didnt just copy a reference... the original rules werent clear enough... I thought they were...
yours needed a new scan anyways... as we couldnt appreciate it as it is display now...
making a new one will give you a chance to improve and make a much better entry... and get it correctly scanned or photographed so we can all enjoy it!
2008-11-21 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: Damn it.... lol That's a bit frustrating lol
2008-11-21 [Linn Scarlett]: Oh Marvel (the comic book brand?) they did this halloween gag last year and published their halloween issues of their comics all in zombie form xD
2008-11-21 [FamousPanda]: wow i hate that all of this happened because of me.. im sorry guys
2008-11-21 [moira hawthorne]: [Shjahjdahdvwa] yours is awesome... thing is like we discussed... jessica's poses are so 'classic' its hard to say you didnt just copy her pose... I know you showed your reference... but they are very similar... thats the problem... cant make exceptions... gotta be fair to everyone...
but dont get upset people! if you made the first one in such a short time and it was this good... your second is gonna be way better! and we arent gonna exclude people b/c we are ending the contest soon or anything like that... this is all just getting started!
2008-11-21 [moira hawthorne]: not your fault [FamousPanda] it started with [wicked fae mage]'s L... its very much like a thousand L images ive seen... I just didnt anticipate that makin a fan contest was gonna generate this problem...
2008-11-21 [moira hawthorne]: ooooh and [Linn Scarlett] I know of Marvel ...just I missed that they did this halloween gag last year and published their halloween issues of their comics all in zombie form xD ... that would be awesome to see! I should go check it out at the comic book store in town... or google it...
2008-11-22 [Linn Scarlett]: Maybe I'll be bothered to make a fan rendering of Logan as zombie xD Comics do count under the cartoon theme don't they? (in my defence: wolverine is very well known!) Anyhow, just because it is a fan contest doesn't mean it should generate this problem. It really just has to do with people following your stated rules and the fact that tracing is the same as copying. Ghehe I'll go to some length to find an unlikely pose for my drawing if I enter, just to make sure you won't think I traced it ;)
2008-11-22 [moira hawthorne]: tracing isnt allowed... and coping the same pose of the character you are drawing isnt either... they are two different things... just both not allowed... I believe you understand the different linn...
Logan is certainly allowed...
2008-11-22 [Linn Scarlett]: *chuckles* Yeah I know.
I'll just have to think of an unlogany pose then ;)
2008-11-25 [jaraden]: uhhhh... i see alot has happened since i was around last...
i hope everythings cleared up now kids...
play nice!
2008-11-25 [moira hawthorne]: well just to throw ideas out there... jessica is always so sexy and slinky... and logan is always so manly and stoic... maybe making them both awkward and shambling would do the trick [hint: THINK OOC POSES!!! THEY ARE HAVING A REAL BAD DAY!]
*tackles jaraden* hey buddy where you been!?!?
2008-11-25 [jaraden]: hey there kid, yeah i've been pretty busy and stuff, though i can only use the computer here at the local library three days a week.. so if i disapear every once and a while, that's why..
and i like the ideas you threw out there kid, though i don't know if logan IS a good candidate for a zombie, cause strickly speaking he couldn't become a zombie due to his regenerative capabilities..
har har
2008-11-25 [moira hawthorne]: well its REALLY OOC for him... b/c of his regenerative capabilities but thats why it would be fun... maybe he drank enough beer he was temporarily incapacitated
2008-11-25 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: and became a zombie? lol
He would still recover mwahahahah
2008-11-25 [moira hawthorne]: likely... being wolvie... but it would be one bad hang over!
2008-11-27 [Linn Scarlett]: Unless you stick a nulifier up his ass? (or more likely, make him swallow one of those nuron nulifier pills that negate mutant abilities) Or am /I/ being a super geek now? :3 Also, if he's under a lot of stress, angst and pressure, the healing factor also takes the brunt (healing emotion damage)and works less well. For example in one of the semi-recent runs of Wolverine he was covered in band-aids due to his healing factor taking several hours to match him up. Sabretooth had some such troubles recently as well. ANYWAY before I go completely nerd-mode, I'll think of a viable reason to make him go zombo xD
2008-11-28 [jaraden]: i suppose so, but that would mean logan would have to be emotionally distrought over something som bad that the zombification would be allowed to take hold, not to mention he would have to ALLOW a zombie to infect him in the first place, which i highly doubt, but evn so, even if he succumbed to zombification (i might have made that word up) wouldn't his regenerative abilities just revert him to normal eventually???
and don't go on about being a comic book geek, i am the master of comic book geekdom!!!!
2008-11-28 [moira hawthorne]: *sits back eatin popcorn*
2008-11-28 [jaraden]: ohh i could put on a geek-fest show you'd all be proud of!!!
har har
but don't go and let me rant.. i'll never stop...
har har
2008-11-28 [moira hawthorne]: ooooh please dont! dont stop! hahaha...
2008-11-28 [jaraden]: yeah, well that's something i haven't heard in ages...
give me any comic book related subject and i could go on for hours..
and before anyone makes a rude parralel to that last comment jsut stop now... i'm an old man so leave me alone.. har har
2008-11-28 [moira hawthorne]: *piff* you still mighty young enough for me!
2008-11-28 [jaraden]: nah, is over the bloody hills now.. feels it in my bones..
been feeling it more lately.. but i won't go into that... long story
2008-11-28 [moira hawthorne]: yah well stop that! you are young!
2008-11-28 [Linn Scarlett]: Yes, but the beauty of art is that it's a snapshot. Like a picture. So assuming I have super-duper snapshot-skill
2008-11-28 [FamousPanda]: all this is a little over my head
2008-11-29 [jaraden]: no Linn, i understand completely, i'm just being a purist is all, don't mind me! you go right ahead and draw logan as a zombie, i think it'll be wicked!
laughs and thinks; a nearly invincible zombie with claws and a stogey in his maw.. brilliant!
2008-11-29 [moira hawthorne]: yes Im lookin forward to Linn's logan! she is an awesome artist1 im sureher logan will be awesome smacks!
2008-11-29 [Linn Scarlett]: He's awesome when I draw him canon ;) Though I admit my latest fanart has been a bit on the sappy edge. I tried again to draw him as a zombie, yet this time, unfortunately, I wound up drawing Arthas Menethil and his girlfriend *rolls eyes* I'll get to it eventually xD
2008-12-02 [jaraden]: har har
laughs hard...
i hate it when that happens.. try and draw one thing and another turns out..
well, keep at it kid.. you'll get it eventually!
2008-12-02 [moira hawthorne]: dropped in at the comic book store in town and saw the 12" marvel spiderman zombiee model!!! it was $60!!! =( but boy it looked fun!
2008-12-03 [Linn Scarlett]: *chuckles* try looking for "marvel zombies" I heard they're also giving out a story in the zombie version, my ex told me it was hilarious xD Damn that reminds me that I still want the 5'5" RL size model my comic store has of Logan :'(
2008-12-03 [moira hawthorne]: life size? that seems abit small... Logan/Wolverin
2008-12-03 [Artsy]: 'life size' doesn't mean the same as 'actual size', I think moira... I think it just means that it's large enough to be a person, such as those 'life size' barbie dolls for 4 year olds, they were only like 3 feet tall. And if the figure of Logan is hunching over, crouching sort of, the figure could only stand 4'5", even if the height of the figure, should he stand up, be 5'3"
2008-12-03 [moira hawthorne]: life size is suppose to mean as in the height it would be in life... just b/c somepeople use it incorrectly as in the case of the barbie dolls for 4 yr old... unless barbie is suppose to be 4 aswell...
2008-12-03 [Artsy]: Barbie well over 6 foot tall when she is 'life size'. At least, based on an average woman's waist size.
2008-12-03 [moira hawthorne]: AND SHE WOULD FALL ON HER FACE
2008-12-05 [jaraden]: dear lord... life size is a tenewous term (spelt wrong i think), it actually does mean 'human size' so in a case of a stuffed bear, for it to be life size it could mean as large as a small child, or literally the size of a bear, it all depends on the marketers choice.. kinda crap i know but that's english for yah...
and logan is 5'3", so good on you guys! actually he was one of the first comic book heros in the marvel universe to be sub-six foot. but that's jsut me being a total geek..
i don't know about barbies, my daughter loves them, but even witha a chest of her size i reckon she wouldn't fall over, not unless she was wearing those rediculous hooker shoes they package her with.. yikes..
um.. yeah, so there
2008-12-05 [moira hawthorne]: it all depends on the marketers choice.. kinda crap i know but that's english for yah... lol... marketers rape the language all the time! like 'NEW and IMPROVED!' how can it be new if its improved...??? they just say what they like b/c it sounds good and makes their product more appealing... a bear that is 'lifesize' to a 4 year old... isnt realistically life size bear... its made for a 4 yr olds perspective of the world...
BTW most children wouldnt want a real life size bear! I scared the crap out of my nephew with a 1/2 scale panther... I thought he would love it but the cat was bigger than him and he wouldnt even fully unwrap it! he was excited about the huge gift but after tearing away some of the paper and finding fur he ran... it just wasnt half scale 'life size' for him... it was larger than life size...
2008-12-05 [jaraden]: laughs guts off!!!
taht's brilliant!
would have loved a video of that!!!!
har har har
2008-12-05 [moira hawthorne]: it would have been a funny video... but both me and my sister were more involved with trying to reassure Nik than film it... and my sister his mother wasnt pleased either... she didnt want the huge stuff panther in her small apt... oooooh well! eventually we got the panther unwrapped and he wasnt scared of it but it didnt go over well as a gift and I think my mother kept it...
2008-12-06 [Lord Dog]: Actually, When Caoil was 3 my sister got her a costume from that Barbie, it's not called Life size, the name is "My size "
2008-12-06 [Linn Scarlett]: Well, seeing as it's 5'5" and only half a hand taller than me, I'd say that's life size XD and Logan's length is actually that short. He's one of the shortest heroes on the block, I believe. It goes with one of Creed, but I am not sure that would even fit in my room (let alone through my door). Though I do want it, too :3 (the one of Creed is over 7', rough estimate, as it's taller than a door) XD One day I shall have them *ninja glares* one day
2008-12-06 [moira hawthorne]: well linn considering you originally said it was 4'5" you can understand out confusion...
But lets go on to some new discussion... poor logan is feelin insecure enough for now ... he needs a beer or more
2008-12-06 [Lord Dog]: Back when they were first thinking of the Live action X-men movie, t'was discussed that Logan would be best played by someone 5'3" both ways. Glen Danzig, Trent Reznor and Henry Rollins were all discussed (this was in the late eighties ).
There are only three adult heroes/villian
2008-12-06 [Linn Scarlett]: I know Gargoyle but I thought he was taller? Also, they originally wanted a shorter actor for Logan too, instead of Hugh Jackman. Bút Hugh had the looks going on, he just needed to grow some sideburns (and he's one of the few people who can without looking silly). To compensate they used Tyler Mane as Victor Creed, whose actually 2.11 (while Creed is supposedly 2.02) So the length, relatively speaking, looked alright. Also, it didn't bother me too much. No, Femke Jansen as Jean Grey thát bothered me. I think Femke is a bit of a cunt, but that could just be my personal opinion :3 Also, they got a different actor for Creed for the upcoming Wolverine movie. At first I was reluctant but I've seen some shots and acting and now I am sort of ok with it. He does look like the black ops version of Creed in the comics. XD I wonder how the orange spandex will look on him! Also, I am looking forward to the new Marvel movie about Thor. Seeing as they yet again casted one of my favorite wrestlers (this time Paul 'Triple H' Levesque) as the main hero ^^ in this case Thor. Whot with the sledgehammer and goatee-moustac
2008-12-06 [Linn Scarlett]: But so far for the needless comic info XD
2008-12-06 [FamousPanda]: im working on my new entry right now =D
2008-12-06 [moira hawthorne]: awesome smacks!
2008-12-06 [moira hawthorne]: hehehehe... the great cereal wars! awesome [FamousPanda]
2008-12-06 [FamousPanda]: hehe Thanks [moira hawthorne]
2008-12-06 [Lord Dog]: Yeah I am looking forward to Triple H as Thor which Dr? Doc Samson? Doc Strange? I heard they were thinking of the guy who is in 11th Hour and was the Count from Knight's Tale as Doc Strange
2008-12-09 [Linn Scarlett]: No no, the human who Thor 'possesses' as it were. I forgot his name again xD I think something with a D... Darian... Donald... some such. Yeah I heard that too, vaguely. Would be a good choice if they gave him a bit of a hairdo ;)
2008-12-10 [Lord Dog]: Daniel Something, though I thought he was a paramedic not a doctor
2008-12-10 [Linn Scarlett]: Could be that too, thought he was a doc
2008-12-10 [Lord Dog]: They revamp these things all the time.. I'll needst to dig out my old books to be sure
2008-12-10 [Lord Dog]: Donald Blake, sorry, you were right
2008-12-12 [jaraden]: well first off, seeing as this is a zombie enthusiast's wiki i thought it best to throw out a huge cheer for panda's revamp of the rice cristpy dudes, i told you a rework would prove amazing and lo and behold, i was right.. har har..
pokes moira!
the image you created panda is truely great i laughed so hard here in the library that the two ladies who run it came over to check out what was making me so delerious!!! they weren't tto keen until i explained the concept, then they chuckeled along with me!
wicked job, very very funny and well done!!!!!!!!!!
now to the ongoing comic book thread here, i was always dubious when it comes to new marvel movies... the spidermen movies were great but reacently have slackened off in my oppinion, the X-Men movies were great, the punicher was so-so, iron man was 'good', hulk was 'fair' (i haven't seen the second one yet though) and now i hear they are planning a thor comic...
the problem is that the characters they seem to want to make movies about were never strong characters to begin with (other then the x-men and spiderman that is) and i'll tell you why. although iron man was a huge comic and had originally a great story line, in the end he became a secondary character in the marvel universe and even when they tried to revamp his story line his character never amounted to that of spiderman or the x-men as far as debth and intrigue. that's jsut my opinion that is, and though like i said the movie was alright, i can't imagine followup and like the spiderman movies i think marvel have pigeontoed themselves with their movies. so now theres talk of a thor movie, i can't really see it, thor was never (and i don't care who disagrees) a primary character, even though he has/had a series of his own, it was rubbish. thor has and will always be a secondary character, part of the Avengers perhaps, but on his own i can't see it being an even passable movie. having said that i DO think triple-h will make a fine thor, he looks the part at the very least, but still, i reckon it'll be a titanic flop.
i would love to be proven wrong, but whatever...
and to be fair i think marvel is grasping at straws, what characters do they even have left???
what do you guys think would make a good marvel film???
2008-12-12 [moira hawthorne]: hey dont poke me dude! I did comment...
but it was lost in [Linn Scarlett] and [Lord Dog]'s conversation..
at least [FamousPanda] saw it.
2008-12-06 [moira hawthorne]: hehehehe... the great cereal wars! awesome [FamousPanda]
2008-12-06 [FamousPanda]: hehe Thanks [moira hawthorne]
2008-12-12 [Artsy]: i will enter this. I go home today, it is first on my list of things to do.
2008-12-12 [moira hawthorne]: wonderful Living! lookin forward to yours!
2008-12-12 [moira hawthorne]: sure that would be awesome! Im hoping that with the holiday break to get more entries... unfortunately school gets most ETers very busy after halloween
2008-12-12 [FamousPanda]: thank you [jaraden], I really appreciate that =]
2008-12-12 [moira hawthorne]: Im lookin forward to many more entries!
2008-12-12 [moira hawthorne]: my phone needs chargered... its low batteries right now...
2008-12-16 [jaraden]: hey, no problems panda... it's a wicked good image!!!!!!!!
and moira.. i shall poke anyone i wish.. poke poke..
he heee
runs off flailing arms
2008-12-16 [moira hawthorne]: oooooh you.... do I need to get out my pokin stick?
2008-12-16 [jaraden]: yar har...
poking stick....
hee hee
2008-12-16 [moira hawthorne]: you think im kiddin? ... pointy things
2008-12-16 [jaraden]: yipes....
ducks out of way and hikes it for the hills!!!!
2008-12-16 [moira hawthorne]: oooooooo a moving target! hehehe *draws my long bow* this is gonna tickle!
2008-12-16 [jaraden]: ohhhh crap.....
*dives over a hedge*.....
*and over the side of a ravine!*
2008-12-16 [moira hawthorne]: hummmmm that didnt sound good... I think he might need help... *calls* MEDIC!
2008-12-19 [jaraden]: make....
big tittied...
2008-12-19 [moira hawthorne]: ok that medic better be a mage or paladin aswell... looks like he needs a revive spell.
2008-12-25 [Linn Scarlett]: I am not sure mages can do the revive spells :P
2008-12-25 [Lord Dog]: Mages no just Clerics, Shamans, and Paladins
2008-12-28 [moira hawthorne]: also in Wow... Priests and I believe Mages aswell...
2008-12-29 [Lord Dog]: I will have to defer to someone who plays WoW, so there you go.
2008-12-29 [wicked fae mage]: WoW^^ Go my uber mage^^ and I'm not he only one to refer to priests as clerics. I feel better
2008-12-29 [moira hawthorne]: Bill has corrected me...(he has played for over 4 yrs... Im still a newb compared to him... plus I dont play a mage) in Wow its Priests Shamans Druids and Paladins
but there's got to be a book or game that allows Mages to rez!!!
2008-12-29 [wicked fae mage]: Yes, there are some games that do reserect, but WoW has mages, hunters, rogues, blood death knights, feral druids, enhancement shamans, and retribution paladins as DPS.
Damage over time is Warlock and a few other specs for other classes like the Unholy death knight.
Clerics are priests, healing shaman, healing druid and healing paladin thought they can not heal as much or as fast as priests.
I've been playing since like October 15th, 2008 I think.
2008-12-29 [moira hawthorne]: I stick to my warlock Mooncatt and hunter Aeodh
I have some others mules and such...
and I made a DK... but deleted him after finishing all the quests
2008-12-29 [wicked fae mage]: I love the squishies and the rogues....and my hunter and druid. The others are okay.
2008-12-29 [moira hawthorne]: dont like playing a rogue... =(
I made a druid... but it wasnt as fun as my warlock or hunter...
maybe if I had got them up to a higher level... everyone says those classes or a hoot... but i dont have time to play all the classes...
2008-12-29 [wicked fae mage]: I have played all classes and I suck as a tank. I love killing though. Gotta love DPS^^
2008-12-29 [moira hawthorne]: yes I love to stand back and hit things that cant hit me... Aeodh loves his pallie! he takes the crap and get the shit beat out of him... while Aeodh kills the beasties
2008-12-29 [wicked fae mage]: Me too. Artemise (my best friend's rogue) takes the damage while dealing it in front, Fitzgerald (little brother's priest) keeps heals on Artemise and I just keep blasting:3
2008-12-29 [moira hawthorne]: its a goood combo.... I have a priest... and he had a rogue partner... but the guy who player the rogue hasnt a computer now... so he suspended his wow account,...
2008-12-29 [moira hawthorne]: all this talk of wow toons! Id love to see some made into zombiees! more art... I mean... more brains!
2008-12-29 [FamousPanda]: I don't play WOW i play Runescape =D lol, I'm a nerd. ^-^
2008-12-29 [moira hawthorne]: well you are more than welcomed and encouraged to draw you Runescape toons as zombiees!!! if you did Id change rule 8. the number of entries people are allowed to enter! got to get more art in here!
2008-12-29 [FamousPanda]: well then you should change rule number 8 and i will figure out something else to draw.
2008-12-30 [moira hawthorne]: changed! get drawin boy! (please!)
2008-12-30 [moira hawthorne]: oppppppps sorry.. didnt check your house...
2008-12-30 [FamousPanda]: lol its okay
2008-12-31 [wicked fae mage]: lol I play an undead mage. She is a zombie^^
2008-12-31 [jaraden]: *twiddles thumbs and looks inconspicuous*
2008-12-31 [moira hawthorne]: yes technically the wow undead and scourge are zombiees... but still at halloween they had the zombiee plague... and everybodies toons were turning into real wow zombiees! that was so coooooool!
2008-12-31 [Linn Scarlett]: *runs around doing some AoE-holy damage* be gone zombies! be gone! xD I love my holy Paladin
2008-12-31 [moira hawthorne]: HEY THIS IS A ZOMBIEE WIKI! *sics a tonn o'zombiees on linn's palie*
2009-01-01 [FamousPanda]: *sends the Rice Krispies squad*
2009-01-01 [Lord Dog]: Throws a priest into the mix , who uses "Turn Undead " spell to make the zombies line dance to the Hokey Pokey..Oh gods, that is not the Hokey Pokey..it's the Achey Breaky
2009-01-01 [moira hawthorne]: *headdesk* bad pun!!!
2009-01-03 [wicked fae mage]: Lol, I hated the scourge. I still don't have Lich King and should not be given gold. I blow it on runecloth for rep with the darkspears on my undead mage.
2009-01-03 [moira hawthorne]: UN undead toons can be zombieeized
2009-01-04 [wicked fae mage]: Like my elves and trolls :3
2009-01-04 [moira hawthorne]: yup! any of the other races.... but you could also include undead toons or DKs as supporting characters in the art as long as the main character being zombieeize... wasnt an orginal undead toon
2009-01-05 [wicked fae mage]: Wooo^^ Will got to work. Should I put up screen shots of the toons?
2009-01-05 [moira hawthorne]: sure! that would be awesome! I think we all know wow... but we'd like to see your toons!
2009-01-06 [wicked fae mage]: Lol me and friends' toons. I screenshot a lot since three diff classes of male blood elves were made by my friends at differnet times and they all look similar XD
And other things like that.
2009-01-06 [moira hawthorne]: ooooo yah I got a TTONNNNN of screen shots... A TON! huge folders on my computer! I really should drop most... they are likely taking up a shit load of disc space
2009-01-06 [jaraden]: ummmm-hmmmm...
nods head quietly in the corner...
what she said...
2009-01-06 [moira hawthorne]: so just waiting for more art... Popcorn? *offers bowl*
2009-01-06 [wicked fae mage]: *takes a handful* This'll help with the inspiration :3
2009-01-06 [moira hawthorne]: well... the best way is with a live model... than you can use photo ref.. if you dont have a man who will pose... but if you want to learn to draw I suggest taking an art life drawing ...also carry a sketch pad with you everywhere and draw men... and everything you see...
also you can check out elftown's many tutorials... http://elftown
also look on DA for tutorials...
look online for gesture drawing... thats an excellent way to learn to draw the human figure...
but mainly you must draw men alot!
2009-01-06 [wicked fae mage]: XD I have no problem with drawing mena ll the time. I am a lover of the arts and am thinking of picking up some classes in the fall semester involving the arts, but I am so critical of my work that I nit pick it to hell and back.
Wonder if any men are willing to pose, come to think of it...
I will gladly try out your suggestions. :3
2009-01-06 [moira hawthorne]: there are also pose reference wikis here on ET... http://elftown
2009-01-08 [moira hawthorne]: also... Reference Pictures
2009-01-08 [jaraden]: classes are a great idea, anything to familiarise yourself with the human anatomy will seriously help in the long run, and like Moira said, there are tons of reference pages not only here on Elftown but scattered throughout the internet.. one just has to look hard enough to find them...
using live models is ALWAYS the best idea, but in a pinch and photo refernce can be just as good!!!!
you just keep at it kid!
2009-01-11 [Acceber]: Just to let you guys know, I'm busy drawing my new entry now ^_^ It's a nude zombie Bastila... hope thats okay =D
2009-01-11 [moira hawthorne]: awesome smacks!
2009-01-12 [wicked fae mage]: Maybe my high school art teacher will over look the fact that I graduated and let me sit in on his drawing and design class? That's one of the few times I've ever had live models.
My sister and female cousins can sit still long enough to pose, but most of my guy friends are too self-conscious to let me drawn them.
I will look into an anatomy class though. Thankies^^
2009-01-13 [jaraden]: i reckon that's a good idea, i know when i graduated, and we are talking over a decade ago, my teachers were more then happy to let us alumnys (spelt wrong) sit in on life drawing classes as long as there was room. any oppertunities you can get to expand your horizons should be taken advantage of! it'll do wonders for you style and talents, trust me!!!
i say go for it kid, the experience will be most advantageous!!
2009-01-13 [wicked fae mage]: Yeah, I promised him I'd come back to visit, so calling him at the school to see when the classes are and if I can sit in on them would prolly be usedful.
I just wish some of my guy friends weren't so shy or self-conscious
2009-01-13 [moira hawthorne]: male models are always the minority
2009-01-13 [wicked fae mage]: *sighs sadly* I know...and it seems like the ones that can sit still the longest or that are pulchritudinou
2009-01-13 [moira hawthorne]: pulchritudinou
Characterized by or having great physical beauty and appeal.
adjective: having qualities that delight the eye: attractive, beauteous, beautiful, comely, fair, good-looking, gorgeous, handsome, lovely, pretty, ravishing, sightly, stunning. Scots bonny.
Idioms: easy on the eyes. See beautiful/ugly
wow who swallowed their dictionary?!?1 *wink*
2009-01-13 [wicked fae mage]: *grins* I love that word^^ And Vocabulary Enrichment was the most fun elective my high school ever offered. I knew a lot of the words because I get bored with words and want something new.
2009-01-14 [Artsy]: I must see if my college has such a class. >.> *has just given self hiccups* poo....
2009-01-14 [wicked fae mage]: *pets Living Armor* Hopefully it does.
And Brett agreed to pose so I don't have to worry about googling "model" and being scarred for life because I want to sketch realism.
2009-01-14 [moira hawthorne]: goood for Brett1 you will have to do something special for him next
2009-01-14 [wicked fae mage]: *blushes* Like what? *points out that Brett is pulchritudinou
2009-01-14 [moira hawthorne]: you know him better than me... as I dont know him at all
2009-01-14 [wicked fae mage]: <---Likes him a lot and is open to suggestions as to how to thank Brett.
2009-01-14 [Artsy]: sounds like a personal problem to me *nod nod* o.o
2009-01-14 [wicked fae mage]: *nods, blushing* I adore him....and wouldn't know how to thank him for modeling for me.
How would anybody else thank somebody they like a lot for modeling?
2009-01-14 [wicked fae mage]: This is Brett...*falls over, sighing dreamily*
2009-01-14 [Artsy]: "You really are a great subject. Thank you so much more letting me draw you. It was both helpful, and, without a doubt, my pleasure."
2009-01-14 [wicked fae mage]: *blushes* It'd be a huge pleasure to have a good reason to stare at Brett nonstop....
Maybe a favor for him?
2009-01-14 [Artsy]: Buy him something he would like a lot. Like my boyfriend for instance, I would buy him midnight meat train and let him watch it while I drew him. He'd be happy and sit still for like.. 2 hours. Everybody wins.
2009-01-14 [wicked fae mage]: *blushes* He'd sit still playing guitar for a while, or playing WoW for a bit...he might even just sit there, talking to me as I do draw him. I've never asked what he'd sit still for. (asking now)
2009-01-14 [wicked fae mage]: I asked via IM What he'd sit still for for me to draw him and replied, anything you want. *blushes badly*
2009-01-14 [moira hawthorne]: wow thats a nice photo... it would even make good photo refer for a drawin... well he like music and guitars... maybe you could get/buy him something along that lines... or he would like a drawing...
2009-01-15 [wicked fae mage]: I know he loves elves as much as I do. And yes, Brett is very "pulchritudino
I have an idea for a pic, come to think of it...us as elves :3
But I'd still need him to pose
2009-01-21 [Ranon =3]: I Love Death Note's 'L' as a zombie :)
I think he probably would sit there and eat sweet brains :)
Anything sweet anyways xD hehe
2009-01-21 [moira hawthorne]: I think it could be improved upon... pushed abit farther... so it really looks like he is eating his own brains... and more gory... more zombiee like... right now its abit too similar to so many other L poses... [jaraden] and i are lookin for some awesome creativity! so go or it... be as imaginative as you can!!!
2009-01-22 [wicked fae mage]: Well, with the poses of Brett that I have *blushes*, I'm sure I can play around with my L pic a bit. Brett sends me the pics of him in poses I request *falls over droolin* XD
Thanks for the encouragement Moria Hawthorne and Living Armor^^ He agreed...and drawin the male figure couldn't be more enjoyable than starin at topless pics of Brett. *grins sheepishly*
2009-01-22 [moira hawthorne]: wonderful1 i look forward to some sweeeeeet new images!
2009-01-22 [wicked fae mage]: I'm sketchin a different L pic atm and thinkin 'bout another entry after that.
2009-01-22 [moira hawthorne]: ok... =D
2009-01-23 [moira hawthorne]: FROZEN ZOOOOOMBIEEE FROGS!
2009-01-23 [jaraden]: *shakes head at moira*
only you babe would be interested in zombie frogs while leaving me to deal with the ACTUAL zombies roaming around here... sighs... typical!!!!
2009-01-23 [moira hawthorne]: *sets my frozen zombiee frog army to work*
2009-01-27 [jaraden]: i've always wondered how they'd croak??? is there a zombie-frog word for 'BRAIIINNSSS'?
*eyes the corners of the room for any hippidy-hopper
2009-01-27 [Lord Dog]: riiiiiibiiiiii
2009-01-27 [moira hawthorne]: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
2009-01-30 [jaraden]: rolls over with gut splitting laughter!!!!!!
2009-02-07 [ReineBloodwolf]: i like the pic of L 4rom deathnote!!!!!
2009-02-16 [Orouriel]: How cool is this! There is currently an introduction running at my students association (or whatever it is called in english) and the theme of this particular introduction is Zombi!
2009-02-16 [ReineBloodwolf]: KOOL!
2009-02-16 [moira hawthorne]: you could make fan art of it... that would be original in the extreme....
2009-02-17 [ReineBloodwolf]: wow!
2009-02-17 [jaraden]: sweet!
2009-02-17 [moira hawthorne]: soooooooooo still waiting for art
2009-02-17 [ReineBloodwolf]: yes
2009-02-18 [Acceber]: Ta da... I've re-entered!! :D Hope that entry is ok ^_^
2009-02-18 [moira hawthorne]: awesome... much more creative and original!!!
2009-02-18 [ReineBloodwolf]: can i put up a picture?
2009-02-18 [moira hawthorne]: sure this contest is open to everyone on ET...
as long as you follow the rules... we are looking for originality and creativity!!!
2009-02-18 [ReineBloodwolf]: um ok
2009-02-20 [jaraden]: sweet... MORE ART!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-02-21 [moira hawthorne]: well you are a zombiee so rule 2 applies... 2. Fan art must be of a NON zombie character... we dont want fan art of zombies... we want famous non zombies... turned into zombies by you!
2009-02-23 [ReineBloodwolf]: giggle
2009-02-23 [jaraden]: yeah... listen to moira... or else..... she'll hit you!!
so there!
2009-02-23 [moira hawthorne]: *hides stick* what you mean!?!? me a kitten!
2009-02-24 [ReineBloodwolf]: yeah [jaraden]! she an inoccent kitten! u big meani!
2009-02-24 [moira hawthorne]: *snickers* my plan is working
2009-02-25 [ReineBloodwolf]: *giggle* pets moira
2009-02-27 [jaraden]: awww, i forgot you could transmute moira... too bad i is allergic to cats... no strokin for you kid!!!
and me?? a big meany?? i think you have your abjectives (spelt wrong) misplaced.. i ain't big!!
har har
2009-02-27 [moira hawthorne]: Im ofcourse a non allergic cat!
2009-02-27 [ReineBloodwolf]: hi moira! *waves*
2009-02-27 [moira hawthorne]: hihi
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